Friday, August 29, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/29

1. Who is to blame for this accident?
In my opinion, no one is to blame for this accident since it was technically and accident.

2. Should nine year old children be able to shoot guns at a rifle range?
I think that the age of 9 is still too young to be handling and shooting guns.

3. Do you feel that uzis and other automatic weapons ever belong in the hands of children? Or in the hands of any human as a matter of fact?
I think that the uzis definitely should not be in the hands of children. I think it should only be in the hands of people well trained and in use for professional purposes only.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/27

The article is on a new kind of nail polish that may prevent date rape.  The nail polish is suppose to turn colors when it comes in contact with a date rape drug.  It was created by a few undergraduate students from North Carolina State University.  I think it is somewhat a good idea if it worked, but having to use your finger to stir your drink would be a drawback.  Also, the fact that you most likely wouldn't be wearing the nail polish at all times makes it hard to use.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/26

The article describes how the U.S. has started survveillance over Syria.  The flights are meant to provide information on targets for strikes within the area.  Also, the article mentions how there is no plan to coordinate with the Assad regime as well as getting to know the jihadist militants better. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/25

1. This article decribes the earthquake that hit Napa, California on Sunday.  The earthquake had a magnitude of 6 and was one of the worst the Bay had seen in awhile.  Only 172 people were treated for injuries, but a lot of damage was still done, estimated at $100 million.  Clean up is still in action as the people are trying to get back to their normal daily lives.

2. The Napa earthquake was caused by the North American plate and the Pacific plate.  The plates move past each other 2 inches every year, but when something like a strain happens to the plates an earthquake forms.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/22

     Today in the United States, our country faces many problems.  Some are small and not as important while others are persisting and growing.  The three largest problems the U.S. faces, though, is the growing national debt, the rise of gasoline prices and the lack of finding an alternete energy resource, and unemployment and the systems behind it.  If we continue on the way we are these as well as other problems are just going to continously get worse.  Our country needs to find ways to fix or at least improve upon such problems.
     One of the largest problems our country is facing is debt.  It is contionously growing and hurting the people.  We don't seem to have a system to pay it off over periods of time, while instead we are just raising the debt limit.  This isn't helping of course; it's just putting the country in more debt.  To fix this problem we need to stop borrowing money unless it is of dire need.  We also need to find a way to cut our unnecessary funds down so that eventually we will have money to pay back what we have borroweed. 
     Another issue the United States is facing is oil prices.  It is continously rising and becoming un- affordable for the common people of the country.  We also aren't doing a very good job of finding alternate resources to use in place of gasoline.  If we were to ever run out of this fossil fuel our people would be lost.  To fix this issue we either need to build better cars that will get better gas mileage so that we can conserve what is left of the oil, or continue to do more research to find a better and easily accessible fuel.
     Lastly, unemployment is a huge problem.  Many of the people in our country are without jobs and it is only getting harder and harder to find a job.  With that said, our unemployment system isn't the best.  Many people drawing unemployment aren't trying to get jobs and therefore hurting the working person.  We need to fix this.  The working person faces enough money trouble without having to care and help other people.  We need to set restrictions and limits to be able to get unemployment, as well as routine visits so we know that the person is actively seeking out a job.
     The United States is a great country but it still has its problems.  Such things as unemployment, debt, and oil prices are only a few.  The people and the government need to come together and work on fixing these issues for the better of the people.  This could include cutting funds and being less greedy, new reserach, and better working and unemployment systems.  If such problems were fixed it would benefit the country overall.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bellringer 8/20

1. The article describes how big corproations in the U.S. aren't wanting to pay high taxes and are merging with smaller foreign companies.  Many companies are participating in inversions to do just that. Newer studies show, though, that that U.S. companies didn't even pay in the top 35% rate.  The atrticle also explains all the ways U.S. companies have found loopholes to lower their taxes and shrink their bills. In other words,  U.S. companies don't pay taxes on global profits.

2. The purpose of taxes is to to get revenue for government fundings.

3. In my opinon, I think everyone should still pay taxes but weathier people should pay a little more.  Not too much more though since that would make people not want to be considered as wealthy. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/19

1. Identify at least two mistakes made by local, county or state governments that have helped to increase an already tense situation.
I think two mistakes the governments made were throwing tear gas at the protest crowds, as well as giving out the name of the officer who shot Brown as well as the harsh accusations of Brown.

2. In your opinion, define excessive force. Was excessive force used in the shooting of Michael Brown?
Excessive force is an unjustified use of force in certain circumstances. Yes, I think it was used in the shooting of Michael Brown. I think the police officer could have used other means to subdue Brown.

3. How would you restore order to Ferguson, MO?
To restore order in Ferguson I would try to handle all the situations as peacefully as possible. Telling and talking to the community about the undergoing investigation would also be helpful. Also, I think I would get better ways of crowd control.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Letter to Myself 8/18

Dear Myself,

     I have many goals I hope to accomplish in life.  As for this school year, I want to get a good grade on my senior project, pass the ap psychology exam with a high score, and get accepted to the college I want to attend next fall. In the next five years I hope that I will graduate from college with a degree and to get a well paying job afterwards.  Lastly, withing the next ten years I want to travel to as many places as I can and also I want to have a house and family of my own.  I know that you can accomplish all of these things if you just put your mind to it.